
Showing posts with the label children

The Anxiety of Days Out

As parents we all know there is a certain hidden anxiety whenever we take our children out to different places. For me it was soft play, that daunting feeling hit me as soon as I booked my first session for my son. The thought of standing in a room filled with parents being silently judged scared the day lights out of me, without realising that most first-timers probably felt the same as me.  When I walked in my palms were sweaty and the anxiety swept through me. The mums that had brought their friends seemed calm and relaxed, whilst the couples played with their kids quietly on the floor. Then there was me.. me with an 16 month old and heavily pregnant trying to figure out what would be the easiest thing to get him to go on without harming the bump. Many thoughts crowded my head about the other children, such as; what do I do if another kids mean to mine? Do I tell them off? Find a parent? What if I can’t find a parent? Do I just move my son to another section? Plenty of things to con

Products That Made Parenting Easier for Me

Hey guys 👋  How are you all? 🥰 let me know in the comments.  I thought I’d write this post as I figured it may help some parents/first-time parents. Some of these products I wished I had brought at the start of my pregnancy, but unfortunately I didn’t know they existed at the time. But lucky for you now I know I can share with you if you didn’t! So let’s get into it 😊  1. Tommy Tippee perfect prep machine Now this machine was an absolute lifesaver for me and I am still so grateful I had it gifted to me after the birth of my son. It saved me so much time when doing night feeds or even during the day! And if your kids are anything like mine, when they want a bottle.. they want it now and don’t like to wait for it to cool down. Which still amazes me the fact this machine gets the bottles at a perfect temperature every-time and lasts for ages if you take care of it well, for instance mine is still going strong after 17 months and I still haven’t had any problem

The Things That Make Meals Easier for Me

 Hey guys 👋 How is everyone today? Let me know in the comments section, I hope your day is going brilliantly. What's more brilliant? I'm back with another list of my top 5 products to help you whilst cooking as a parent, which as we know is a very stressful task when you have little people running around. But these are the products that I use day in and day out to make my life much easier and create quick & easy. So lets get into it... 1. A slow cooker I cannot stress enough how much this product has helped me whilst I've had the kids going at a million miles per-hour. Now you make think slow cooking takes up a lot of your time, but in my personal experience it doesn't, only a long time too cook. My favourite part is that you can just shove your food in there and get on with your day without having to worry about it, then boom it's done and you're ready to enjoy your meal that you didn't break a sweat over.  What I usually do

Identity Theft by Pregnancy

After we have a child whether it be c-section or natural we all view our bodies differently and know we will never see them the same again. Now I can only speak as a mother that had a c-section birth but I can imagine mothers who experienced a natural birth may feel in some way similar to this.  I looked at the stretch marks and watched as they replicated the claw marks of a tiger. Many people told me these purple, blueish marks would appear but nothing prepared me for the extent. They made me feel unattractive and unworthy of anyones touch. Like my body had been used for its purpose and from now on it’ll be just seen as a vessel for the unborn to grown and not one that could gain arousal from anyone any longer.  My breasts that were once perky were now dropping and filled with milk ready for feeding, their natural purpose for being there which we don’t really consider until our body is inhabited by our unborn. What used to be sexualised is now covered at every attempt to hide the mark

Mental Health & Motherhood

We always hear about post-partum depression but never just about the general mental health struggles that mothers face. The days where we just feel as though nothing is in our favour. The thoughts that surround and torment us during waking hours, feelings we just can’t shake no matter how hard we try. That pit of loneliness and jealousy we find ourselves falling into as familiar faces turn into acquaintances over time.  We don’t talk about the day to day lives of mothers struggling just to even go to the toilet in peace, something we once took for granted before having children. A box of chocolates that we try to indulge ourselves in until we hear the pitter patter of little feet coming to interrupt our treat, the one thing we had looked forward to at the end of a tiring day.  Our daily routines work us on auto-pilot, functioning us to become robot-like as we list all the to-do’s to make it run smoothly. Wake up, breakfast, clean, play, lunch… etc. Then as the children go to bed our mi

The Realities of Parenthood

Perfect adjective /ˈpəːfɪkt/  Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. The perfect parent is something every mother/father strives to be and what most of us fail at overtime, realising we’re never going to meet this unrealistic expectation that society has thrown at us.  The pressure created by staged Instagram posts and lies that are publicised through Facebook posts fill out feeds everyday, leading to insecurities within ourselves that can’t be fixed. But even though we know these posts are lies, why do we listen to them? We know that they’re posing for a pat on the back and yet we still let them affect us? This is (in my experience) due to our own self-doubt and negative surroundings.  You see these posts make us feel inadequate due to the fact we want to be these perfectly staged parents but when we look in the mirror we are everything but. We would love to feel full of energy and excitement beaming through us wh